Ask Congress to Expand the Child Tax Credit (CTC)
Take action to support families across the country by asking your members of Congress to support the expansion of the CTC.

The Child Tax Credit (CTC) is one of the most important tools for combating child poverty and supporting families across the country.
Under current law, too many children in families with the lowest incomes receive no CTC or a smaller credit than families with higher incomes. Expanding the CTC so that it reaches more of those children will help improve families’ ability to make ends meet and reduce child poverty.
Congress should prioritize the expansion of the CTC for children who receive a partial credit or no credit at all because their families’ incomes are too low. These families face the greatest challenges in making ends meet, and expanding the CTC would not only improve families’ ability to put food on the table, but also benefit the economy and spur job growth.
Will you ask your members of Congress to support the expansion of the CTC? Offices track constituent outreach, and your voice really does make a difference.
You can help in two ways — just choose a tab at the top of the action center to the right.
1. Call your U.S. representative and senators. It’s the best way for you to make an impact, because congressional staffs log these calls.
2. Email your members of Congress.