National Utility Contractors Association

Fight for Clean Water!

Stop H.R. 4821's Multi-Billion Water Infrastructure Cuts!

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Tell Congress - H.R. 4821 Would Devastate Water Infrastructure

We need YOUR help to stop nearly $2 BILLION in cuts for water infrastructure from moving forward!

The U.S. House of Representatives just PASSED a bill with unnecessary and catastrophic cuts for two federal water infrastructure programs that our industry uses to sustain and build our projects.

H.R. 4821, the House FY24 Interior-Environment Appropriations bill, removes nearly $2 billion in water and wastewater infrastructure resources from the EPA’s Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds (SRF) -- and almost eliminates all of what's left by setting aside funding as earmarks for specific projects. If signed into law, these cuts would cancel out the benefits of recent federal investment gained through the 2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, also known as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). If this cut goes into effect – and is not reversed this year or in the near future, it could potentially even lead in a few years to the industry’s State Revolving Funds completely running out of funding!

Cutting funding for these vital infrastructure programs should be unthinkable for Congress. If the U.S. House goes through with these cuts, many American communities will continue to be at risk. Recent EPA estimates put the combined drinking water and wastewater resource needs at more than $1 trillion over the next twenty years. Our industry badly needs every penny it can get to build, rehabilitate, and restore essential water infrastructure systems that meet modern standards. 

This bill is just one part of the formal appropriations process, and the Senate still has to weigh in. Their bill maintains level funding with FY2023 for the SRF programs - while not the increase we need, it's far better than the alternative. The final legislation will likely be a product of negotiations between both chamber. No matter how your Representative voted on the House bill, there is still time for them to shape that negotiation by speaking out in favor of full water infrastructure funding.

It’s not too stop to reverse these cuts. Please click to go to the Action Center and take a moment to send our pre-written letter to your Members of Congress and urge them to FIGHT H.R. 4821's cuts to water infrastructure, and to SUPPORT OR INCREASE the Senate's level of water infrastructure funding. If you have time, please add your personal experience of using SRF and other federal grant/loan programs to repair, build, or restore your community's water or wastewater systems. 

Your letter to your lawmakers will only take a moment to send but will directly benefit the health and well-being of your community, company, and country.


    Dear Office Holder (names will be automatically added on each email),


    [Your name here]