Virginia Council of Nurse Practitioners

We have two bill numbers! Now's the time to act!

Ask legislators to support House Bill 971 and House Bill 983

Take action

Ask legislators to support House Bill 971 and House Bill 983

VCNP is continuing to advocate for full practice authority for Virginia's NPs and is supporting House Bill 971 and House Bill 793. Both bills reduce the transition to practice requirement to two years and allow certain NPs to oversee patient care teams by changing "patient care team physician" to "patient care team provider." The bills define "patient care team provider" as a patient care team physician, as defined in relevant law, or an NP whoo meets certain requirements. Contact all legislators and ask them for their support to move NP practice forward!

Here's how:

To the right, enter your contact information, including address, to connect you to your representatives.

Scroll down to see a pre-written message. You can edit this message, and we suggest that you do! Make it personal by letting them know how these bills will impact your patients and your practice. 

Once finished, hit "SEND MESSAGE."


    Dear Office Holder (names will be automatically added on each email),


    [Your name here]