Pennsylvania Skill

Contact your legislator TODAY about SB 706 and HB 2075!

Tell them to vote YES on commonsense skill game regulation

Support Commonsense Regulation And Taxation of Skill Games

It’s time for the legislature to get into the game!

The Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania unanimously ruled that PA Skill Games are legal games of skill. This is a major victory for Pennsylvania small businesses, non-profit organizations, veteran’s groups, fire halls, and others that rely on the supplemental income from skill games to keep their doors open.

Now it’s time for the state legislature to regulate and tax legal skill games to ensure every Pennsylvanian wins! The revenues, estimated at $250 million in the first year alone, could be used to improve education in our public schools, address mental illness, help fund our local fire departments, or support many other important initiatives.

Contact your legislators today! Tell them right now is the time to get off the sidelines and get into the game.


    Dear Office Holder (names will be automatically added on each email),


    [Your name here]