National Utility Contractors Association

Support Pro-Infrastructure Tax Reform!

Congress Needs to Act to Help American Businesses

Take action

Tell Your Lawmakers to Vote YES on H.R. 7024

A major bipartisan pro-business, pro-construction tax deal is on the table in Congress that could tremendously benefit you and your company – but some on Capitol Hill are trying to stop it from even getting a vote. We need your help to support the bill! 

Last week, leaders in both parties reached an agreement on a tax reform package that would address several important tax issues facing our industry, including reauthorizing key expiring provisions of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The bill has already cleared the House Ways and Means Committee by an overwhelming bipartisan 40-3 vote, but now opponents are desperately looking for ways to prevent the bill from ever getting a vote or to block it on the floor.  

This important legislation would help construction firms and their suppliers purchase new equipment and better manage payroll during the rollout of major federal infrastructure investment, as well as help encourage investment in R&D and technology and simplify taxes. The package is of huge importance to contractor
and their suppliers – we can’t let opponents block it over unrelated disagreements!

Please take a moment to click the link below, send our short letter and tell your lawmakers
to support H.R. 7024, the Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act. If you have time, please add how these reforms will benefit you and your company. It takes only a moment but can make a huge difference!


    Dear Office Holder (names will be automatically added on each email),


    [Your name here]