Cigar Rights of America

Take Action Now - Say No To Flavor Ban in Texas

Texas lawmakers have introduced SB 1182, a flavor ban bill that could severely impact the premium cigar industry. The language in this bill is overly broad and threatens to include premium cigars based on descriptive advertising or even casual conversations in cigar shops. Premium cigars by nature do not contain any characterizing flavors, and any imparting of a flavor is purely subjective and based on the natural aging and fermentation processes.

Why This Matters:

  • Threat to Small Businesses: Local cigar shops rely on the ability to offer a variety of premium cigar products. A flavor ban could lead to reduced sales and potential closures as premium cigars with no characterizing flavors are removed from the marketplace.
  • Consumer Choice at Risk: Adult cigar enthusiasts should have the right to responsibly enjoy premium cigars without unnecessary government interference.
  • Unintended Consequences: The broad scope of these bills fails to differentiate premium cigars from other tobacco products, leading to unintended negative impacts on the industry and the small businesses that rely on the products and the jobs and tax revenue they provide.

Take action now and oppose this poorly worded flavor bill and protect your right to enjoy premium cigars!


    To the Attention of (addressees will be added):

    As signed by:

    [Your name here]