Elder Justice Coalition

Fully Fund Adult Protective Services

Tell your Members of Congress about the importance of Adult Protective Services today! You can click below to email a message or to make a phone call. Please feel free to edit the text of the letter and to add your personal story!

Keep APS Funded in FY 2025!

Congress voted since 2020 to provide Elder Justice Act programs with important funding. Now we need to show how important keeping this funding is for programs. This FY2024 funding was kept at $15 million, the same as funding in FY23. This is significantly less than the more than $188 million for Elder Justice Act programs in FY22 through the American Rescue Act Plan. We view this as the bare minimum needed.

Contact your Representative and Senators to encourage funding to APS. Personalize the message with your stories and data. 


    Dear Office Holder (names will be automatically added on each email),


    [Your name here]