Support the Farm Bill / SNAP
Ask your members of Congress to strengthen and protect vital anti-hunger programs supported through the Farm Bill.

Every five years, Congress has the chance to pass a Farm Bill, which makes federal investments in programs that help individuals and families keep food on the table.
The Farm Bill can reinforce almost every federal nutrition program that helps address hunger in our communities, and it provides an opportunity to enhance and strengthen the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and other food support programs. SNAP is our nation’s most significant anti-hunger program and promotes financial stability, health and well-being.
This legislation is vital to putting food on the table and improving food security for those who are hungry, especially children and families.
Will you ask your members of Congress to reauthorize the Farm Bill? It takes only a few seconds. Offices track constituent outreach, and your voice really does make a difference.
You can help in two ways — just choose a tab at the top of the action center to the right.
1. Call your U.S. representative and senators. It’s the best way for you to make an impact, because congressional staffs log these calls.
2. Email your members of Congress.