Protect State Sovereignty and Defend Elections from Foreign Influence
Fill out the form below to contact your legislator and ask them to support S.J.R. 7

Urge your Utah representatives to support S.J.R. 7
Senate Majority Leader Kirk Cullimore has introduced resolution S.J.R. 7 to support an amendment to the U.S. Constitution designed to protect state sovereignty and defend elections from foreign influence.
With the increasing threat of foreign money and centralized control over election rules, it is time for Utah to assert its commitment to federalism and the integrity of our republic.
Utahns overwhelmingly support taking action against the corrosive effects of outside money in politics and foreign interference in our elections.
Federalism is at the heart of this amendment. The amendment will strengthen our state’s ability to safeguard against threats from both domestic and foreign sources. This resolution protects Utah and sets a precedent for states across the nation to reclaim their role as guardians of our republic.
Sign now to protect state sovereignty and defend our elections from foreign influence!